Our Mission

Michael Slim International is an investigative company operating in the areas of Investigation Security and Intelligence.
We operate in Italy under prefectoral license in compliance with TULPS with correspondents in Europe and North America.
We are ISO 9001 certified specializing in investigative and training systems.
Our services are crucial for the security and competitiveness of companies and individuals: from investigations to espionage, from technology to legal support.
"Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit."
Orazio, Satire, II, 1, 52
Our Vision

Protect our customers with all the necessary experience, tools and specialized collaborators.
According to this we have chosen our motto and our logo.
Our motto is “Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit” Orazio Satire (Il, 1, 52), or “The wolf attacks with its teeth, the bull with its horns”.
It means that everyone defends or attacks their opponents with their own means, using the skills and weapons provided by nature.
The logo instead represents a fish Deep Sea Anglerfish (Melanocetus)is an abyssal fish that lives in the ocean floor at high depths up to about 2000 meters and represents the motto of Orazio in an admirable way.
This fish has developed a survival capacity through adaptive strategies and means that allow it to compete in very difficult contexts, almost impossible for its survival.