Our Mission

Michael Slim International is an investigative company operating in the areas of Investigation Security and Intelligence.

We operate in Italy under prefectoral license in compliance with TULPS with correspondents in Europe and North America.

We are ISO 9001 certified specializing in investigative and training systems.

Our services are crucial for the security and competitiveness of companies and individuals: from investigations to espionage, from technology to legal support.

About us


We work for our clients in a confidential manner and we dedicate the best consultants suited to the required context.
About us


Whatever your needs, we protect them with dedicated solutions and the utmost attention.
About us

Cutting-edge technologies

We work with the best technology available on the market to help you achieve the best results.
About us

Qualified personnel

Our team of professionals leaves nothing to chance.

"Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit." 

Orazio, Satire, II, 1, 52

Our Vision

Protect our customers with all the necessary experience, tools and specialized collaborators.

According to this we have chosen our motto and our logo.

Our motto is “Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit” Orazio Satire (Il, 1, 52), or “The wolf attacks with its teeth, the bull with its horns”.

It means that everyone defends or attacks their opponents with their own means, using the skills and weapons provided by nature.

The logo instead represents a fish Deep Sea Anglerfish (Melanocetus)is an abyssal fish that lives in the ocean floor at high depths up to about 2000 meters and represents the motto of Orazio in an admirable way.

This fish has developed a survival capacity through adaptive strategies and means that allow it to compete in very difficult contexts, almost impossible for its survival.

Motorcycle dealership – Security and video surveillance systems

We requested the design of an anti-theft and anti-intrusion system and they installed a certified system with cutting-edge and guaranteed materials.
We are able to remotely control what happens inside the commercial premises, offices and warehouses.
We also saved on the annual cost of the theft insurance policy.


I turned to the MSI company because I thought my cell phone was being spied on…. I was right, they scanned my cell phone and found spy software. I approached my life with greater awareness.

Private customer

Forensic underwater

I took a training course in forensic diving organized by MSI and I had a lot of fun finding many tools to embark on a new professional career to complement my current job.


Cybersecurity Manager Training

I took an international certification course at MSI for the ISO 27032 Cybersecurity Manager international certification and I obtained the ISO certification. The instructor followed me and provided all the necessary support to obtain the certification: I started a new rewarding and economically important professional career.


Anti-piracy Naval Services

We have relied on MSI and their partners for the organization and staffing of anti-piracy naval security personnel. The staff who assisted us on the “hottest” routes were perfectly trained and able to support us in the most important logistical needs.

Shipping security director

International Fair Service

MSI provides us with unarmed specialized personnel during international trade fairs. MSI consultants have always satisfied all needs with qualified and reliable personnel.

General manager

Research and development company for medical devices

We have appointed MSI as Data Protection Officer under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) because we needed a certified DPO who would represent us and perform all the functions required by European legislation for this figure. We are satisfied with the work he is doing.

President and CEO

Retail Manager Fashion Group – Verify Mystery Shopping sales networks

We entrust the verification of our sales network to MSI and have improved customer service. We have countered the phenomenon of counterfeiting which significantly reduced the turnover of our industrial group.

Law Firm specializing in Industrial Law

We have appointed the MSI company for a technical consultancy in the field of Computer Forensics for the protection of the rights claimed by our client in the development of a software platform. They supported us until the ruling that saw our client right through digital evidence.

Utility Company

MSI helped us design and implement internal controls for an anti-corruption system. Following this activity, we were able to limit corruption with some of our suppliers.

Head of Internal Audit CAE