Ideal candidates?
More and more often we realize that in the selection of candidates to fill job positions, we rely exclusively on the training and experience of the person we will bring on board to our organization.
Very often the ideal candidate has all the requisites of the required position on paper, but this can only later prove to be a “very dangerous” subject for the organization itself, so much so that sooner or later it will be in difficulty.
Would you bring on board a resource that is dedicated to lying?
Would you take home a manager who at the first opportunity will enter into a conflict of interest with the company that hired him following a promise of a higher paying job with a competitor?
Would you be willing to risk large sums and not see justice in a courtroom?
Would you be willing to suffer significant economic and financial damage due to these problems?
How can companies defend themselves?
The solutions
According to ACFE’s Report to The Nation, the verification of candidates’ CVs is essential to start a fruitful and lasting collaboration between employee and company.
The candidate must then be carefully evaluated according to guidelines that have nothing to do with skills but possibly with the reliability of the candidate himself.
According to ACFE, before hiring a person in an organization, it is necessary to carry out checks to verify the reliability of the candidate through various tools, starting from the verification not only of the Curriculum vitae.
Also in this study it is highlighted that 48% of the analyzed cases of employees who later proved to be incorrect and even worse fraudsters were never subjected to “pre-employment” checks.
But who carries out these checks before a candidate is hired?
The recruiting companies entrusted with the search mandate only rarely take care of verifying the truthfulness of the candidate’s requirements.
Companies operating in the investigative sector with specific government authorization can carry out such checks in compliance with regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 231/2001, …
Michael Slim International helps you to solve these problems by offering a more in-depth verification of candidates, respecting all current Italian and EU regulations and providing an opinion on the candidate in an absolutely confidential manner.
For information and to better understand how we can help you prevent these problems, you can write to: